How To Convert Text Into Audio
STEP 1: Open Notepad. Press Win+R and type Notepad and Press Enter.
STEP 2: Now, Copy following program and paste it in Notepad
Dim message, sapi message = InputBox("A Best Text to Audio converter"+vbcrlf+"From -","Text to Audio converter") Set sapi = CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") sapi.Speak message
STEP 3: The code has to be saved in .vbs format rather than standard .txt format.
STEP 4: Now navigate yourself to the location where the code is stored. in my case it was stored on C:\Temp. You can see that the file we saved was in the Visual Studio Script ( vbs ) format
STEP 5: Now just double click on the saved file and Enter the text you want to hear in the text box. The moment you click OK , You can hear the text you entered as Audio.
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