Powershell better console – PSReadLine for PowerShell command line editing

Towards a better console – PSReadLine for PowerShell command line editing  

Sometimes text mode is where it’s at. I’ve long blogged about tools and techniques that will make your Windows console experience better. Perhaps you’re a *nix person who is using Windows in your day job, or you wish the Windows PowerShell prompt was more nix-y. Or perhaps you’re a PowerShell person who wants to take your command-line to the next level.

Well, just as NuGet is how we get .NET libraries quickly, and Chocolately is a kind of apt-get for Windows, PsGet is a way to easily add PowerShell modules to your prompt.

To install PsGet you run this script (feel free to vet it):

(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(“http://psget.net/GetPsGet.ps1”) | iex

Once you’ve got PsGet, the purpose of this post is to introduce you to PSReadLine.

To install PsReadLine with PsGet, just

install-module PsReadLine

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