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Get Duplicate users in a forest

(Get-aduser -filter * -server Domainname:3268 | Group-Object -Property UserprincipalName | ?{$PSItem.Count -gt 1 -and $PSItem.Name -ne “”}).group |export-csv c:\temp\duplic.csv -NoTypeInformation

Share folder permissions

#Share Folder Path $FolderPath = dir -Path “\\server1.vmwarenterprise.com\Reports\” -Recurse -Directory -Force$Report = @()Foreach ($Folder in $FolderPath) {$Acl = Get-Acl -Path $Folder.FullNameforeach ($Access in $acl.Access){$Properties =...

Created ISO image using PowerShell

Some Enterprise Organisations do not allow us to use any software on their networks a. Any software to be installed would need to be tested,...

Citrix Ports

ICA#1494 RDP#3389 CGP#2598 IMA#2512 AMC#2513 XML#8080 License Manager Daemon#27000 Citrix Vendor Daemon#7279 License Management Console#8082 Citrix Receiver#80 Citrix Receiver#443 Offline Plug-in-SMB#445 Power & Capacity Management...