VMware Enterprise

The provisioning task is already running on the Machine Catalog

Error after an update of the Machine Catalog


Open Powershell as administrator and find out the running Task ID on the Machine Catalog.

Add-PSSnapin Citrix.*
Get-ProvScheme  | where {$_.IdentityPoolName -eq “Windows 7 TEST MCS_NFS”}

Next step is to find on one which Host the task is initiated. With that information we can stop the task. Write also the ProvisioningSchemeUid  down for later.

Get-ProvTask | where {$_.TaskId -eq “<TASKID>”}
Stop-ProvTask –TaskId <TASKID> –AdminAddress <HOST>

The last step is unlocking the ProvisioningSchemeUid:

Unlock-ProvScheme -ProvisioningSchemeUid “<ProvisioningSchemeUid>”

Now you can re-execute an update on the Machine Catalog.

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