Home » Articles posted by Jeevan Bobba

Get Duplicate users in a forest

(Get-aduser -filter * -server Domainname:3268 | Group-Object -Property UserprincipalName | ?{$PSItem.Count -gt 1 -and $PSItem.Name -ne “”}).group |export-csv c:\temp\duplic.csv -NoTypeInformation

Get users Group and members of the groups

$AllUSers = get-aduser -filter {SamAccountName -like “z*” -and Enabled -eq $true } -Properties Memberof,EmployeeNumber -Server <Domain name> | ?{$PSItem.DistinguishedName -notmatch “OU=Service Accounts”} $results = new-object...

Get active Computers in Forest

$ForestInfo=Get-ADForest $Domains =$forestInfo.domains $FileName =$ForestInfo.RootDomain+”-Windows_Servers_60-9_Days_Active-“+”$(get-date -Format MM-dd-yyyy)”+”.csv” $FilePath = “c:\temp” $Daysactive = 60 $lastactive=(get-date).AddDays(-($Daysactive)) foreach($domain in $domains){ Write-Output “Working on $domain” Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -like...

Testing open ports With PowerShell

We can use PowerShell to test remote port connectivity without installing telnet and with the use of the Test-NetConnection command. To check if the remote...

Share folder permissions

#Share Folder Path $FolderPath = dir -Path “\\server1.vmwarenterprise.com\Reports\” -Recurse -Directory -Force$Report = @()Foreach ($Folder in $FolderPath) {$Acl = Get-Acl -Path $Folder.FullNameforeach ($Access in $acl.Access){$Properties =...

Get DC replication time response

foreach($d in (get-adforest).domains){$v = Measure-Command {get-addomaincontroller -Filter * -Server $d}Write-Output “Took $($v.TotalSeconds) to Enumerate DCS in $d “}

Created ISO image using PowerShell

Some Enterprise Organisations do not allow us to use any software on their networks a. Any software to be installed would need to be tested,...